マイデックス インデクサー&オシレーター
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MYDEX Top Page  >  Selection

Model Selection

Procedure for Model Selection

Use the appllication detail data sheet

    This is the way to fill out the required data to select and send it to us.

Read Me

Please be sure to contact us regarding the use conditions when MYDEX is selected. Results of selection calculation sheets can be sent to you.
Please note that if the use and the design conditions are not informed, we are not able to assume responsibility for damages or failures.
MYDEX and the option parts are selected in consideration of expected life, please note, however, that the expected life does NOT mean guaranteed life.


1. Choose and download your required application from the following data sheets.

2. Fill out the required specifications and send it to us by e-mail or facsimile. (We will inform you a recommended model by return)

A Contact Addless for Application Data Sheet
TSUBAKI YAMAKYU CHAIN CO.TEL:+81-3-3445-8597 FAX: +81-3-3440-1285E-mail: [email protected]

The above e-mail addless can only be sent for application detail data sheets.
Please contact us with the inquiry form or by telephone or facsimile.