マイデックス インデクサー&オシレーター
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Contact Us

Request about your inquiry

We are able to respond quickly if you let us know the following information when you contact us.

●New Design:

Please fill in and send us the Selection Sheet on the page of "Model Selection".

●MYDEX which has already been using:

Please let me know the product code, the serial number, the date of manufacture and its drawing (No.), etc. marked on the nameplate attached to the product.

Regarding the nameplate


CODE: Product Code
Drive: Option Parts Product Code
SER.: Serial Number
DATE: Date of Manufacture (Old nameplate is shown next to serial number on the right)

Although the nameplate of old product has some types depending on the date of manufacture, the information is in common.
山久チヱイン銘板画像 マニフォルド山久銘板画像

Please feel free to contact us if you have any other questions.

For an inquiry through our website, please fill in the "Inquiry Form" and send it to us.

For an urgent request, please contact the following telephone and facsimile numbers.


      TEL: +81-3-3445-8597 FAX: +81-3-3440-1285

      E-mail: [email protected]